Quick Start¶
Installation from PyPI:
python -m pip install cr-sparse
Directly from our GITHUB repository:
python -m pip install git+https://github.com/carnotresearch/cr-sparse.git
Platform Support¶
can run on any platform supported by JAX
We have tested cr-sparse
on Mac and Linux platforms and Google Colaboratory.
is not officially supported on Windows platforms at the moment.
Although, it is possible to build it from source using Windows Subsystems for Linux.
If you are on Windows, JAX is not yet officially supported. However, you can install an unofficial JAX build for windows from https://github.com/cloudhan/jax-windows-builder. This works quite well for development purposes.
depends on its sister libraries
Normally, they would be installed automatically as a dependency. You may want to install them directly from GITHUB if you need access to the latest code.
python -m pip install git+https://github.com/carnotresearch/cr-nimble.git
python -m pip install git+https://github.com/carnotresearch/cr-wavelets.git
See the examples gallery.
A more extensive collection of example notebooks is available in the companion repository.
Some micro-benchmarks are reported here.
Common Workflows¶
Compressive Sensing
Select/Load/Generate a signal to be compressive sampled.
Select a sensing matrix/operator.
Compute the measurements.
Select a sparsifying basis under which the signal has a sparse representation.
Combine the sensing matrix and sparsifying basis to generate a linear operator which will be used for solving the sparse reconstruction problem.
in Linear Operators
Use a sparse recovery algorithm to solve the sparse recovery problem.
Use the sparse representation so constructed to generate the approximation of the original signal using the sparsifying basis.
Measure the quality of reconstruction.
Common Tasks¶
Make sure to configure JAX for 64-bit numbers:
from jax.config import config
config.update("jax_enable_x64", True)
Essential library imports:
# jax numpy
import jax.numpy as jnp
# cr-nimble library
import cr.nimble as crn
# cr-sparse library
import cr.sparse as crs
You will often need PRNG (Pseudorandom) keys:
from jax import random
key = random.PRNGKey(0) # you can put any integer as seed
Sample data
A sparse signal with normal distributed nonzero values:
import cr.sparse.data as crdata
x, omega = crdata.sparse_normal_representations(key, n, k)
A sparse signal consisting of signed spikes:
x, omega = crdata.sparse_spikes(key, n, k)
Block sparse signal with intra block correlation:
x, blocks, indices = crdata.sparse_normal_blocks(
key, n, k, blk_size, cor=0.9)
Some standard signals based on Wavelab:
import cr.nimble.dsp.signals as signals
t, x = signals.heavi_sine()
t, x = signals.bumps()
t, x = signals.blocks()
t, x = signals.ramp()
t, x = signals.cusp()
t, x = signals.sing()
t, x = signals.hi_sine()
t, x = signals.lo_sine()
t, x = signals.lin_chirp()
t, x = signals.two_chirp()
t, x = signals.quad_chirp()
t, x = signals.mish_mash()
t, x = signals.werner_sorrows()
Sensing Matrices
A Gaussian sensing matrix:
import cr.sparse.dict as crdict
Phi = crdict.gaussian_mtx(key, m, n)
A Gaussian sensing matrix operator:
import cr.sparse.lop as crlop
Phi = crlop.gaussian_dict(key, m, n)
Computing measurements:
b = Phi @ x # for matrices
b = Phi.times(x) # for operators
Haar wavelet basis:
import cr.sparse.lop as crlop
Psi = crlop.dwt(n, wavelet='haar', level=5, basis=True)
Computing the representation of a signal in an orthonormal basis:
alpha = Psi.trans(x)
Constructing a signal from its representation:
x = Psi.times(alpha)
Creating a composite linear operator of a sensing matrix and a basis:
A = crlop.compose(Phi, Psi)
Finding how many large coefficients are sufficient to capture most of the energy in a signal:
crn.num_largest_coeffs_for_energy_percent(x, 99)
More Dictionaries
Fourier Heaviside dictionary:
import cr.sparse.lop as crlop
heaviside = crlop.heaviside(n)
fourier_basis = crlop.fourier_basis(n)
dictionary = crlop.hcat(fourier_basis, heaviside)
Dirac Cosine dictionary:
dirac_basis = crlop.identity(n)
cosine_basis = crlop.cosine_basis(n)
dirac_cosine_basis = crlop.hcat(dirac_basis, cosine_basis)
Dirac Fourier dictionary:
dirac_basis = crlop.identity(n)
fourier_basis = crlop.fourier_basis(n)
dirac_fourier_basis = crlop.hcat(dirac_basis, fourier_basis)
Daubechies basis:
db_basis = crlop.dwt(n, wavelet='db8', level=level, basis=True)
Sparse Recovery
Solving a sparse representation problem \(\bb = \bA \bx\) using Subspace Pursuit:
import cr.sparse.pursuit.sp as sp
sol = sp.solve(A, b, k)
x = sol.x
Solving using Compressive Sampling Matching Pursuit:
import cr.sparse.pursuit.cosamp as cosamp
sol = cosamp.solve(A, b, k)
Solving using Iterative Hard Thresholding:
from cr.sparse.pursuit import iht
sol = iht.solve(A, b, k)
Solving using Hard Thresholding Pursuit:
from cr.sparse.pursuit import iht
sol = htp.solve(A, b, k)
Solving using SPGL1 algorithm:
import cr.sparse.cvx.spgl1 as crspgl1
options = crspgl1.SPGL1Options()
sol = crspgl1.solve_bp(A, b, options=options)
sol = crspgl1.solve_bpic(A, b, sigma, options=options)
sol = crspgl1.solve_lasso(A, b, tau, options=options)
Solving using L1LS algorithm:
import cr.sparse.cvx.l1ls as l1ls
sol = l1ls.solve(A, b, tau)
Solving using FOCUSS algorithm (only matrix based dictionaries supported):
import cr.sparse.cvx.focuss as focuss
sol = focuss.matrix_solve_noiseless(A, b)