Sample Data Generation Utilities

Sparse Model Vectors

sparse_normal_representations(key, D, K[, S])

Generates a set of sparse model vectors with normally distributed non-zero entries.

sparse_spikes(key, N, K[, S])

Generates a set of sparse model vectors with Rademacher distributed non-zero entries.

sparse_normal_blocks(key, D, K, B[, S, cor, …])

Generates representations where some blocks have normally distributed coefficients while others are zero.


random_subspaces(key, N, D, K)

Generates a set of orthonormal bases for random low dimensional subspaces

uniform_points_on_subspaces(key, bases, n)

Generates a set of nk points on the unit sphere of each of the subspaces

two_subspaces_at_angle(key, N, D, theta)

Returns ONBs for two subspaces at angle theta with each other

three_subspaces_at_angle(key, N, D, theta)

Returns ONBs for three subspaces at angle theta with each other